Sanoma Creatives

Creativity boosts impact
By combining creative thinking with new ways to utilize Sanoma’s wide-reach, multichannel media palette for your commercial goals, you can guarantee that your message has a high impact and gets through to the audience. Become associated with Sanoma’s phenomena that the whole nation is talking about – it works.

Sanoma Creatives designs and produces marketing communication for all media based on the customer’s goals
We provide your message insuperable power to get through to the audience. You may utilize Sanoma’s high-quality, reliable media channels with a reach of almost five million Finns per week.
We bring creative content to all channels, including the television, the radio, news and periodical media, social media and the customer’s owned media. Our in-house content production team is at your service, if needed – whether your campaign is based on powerful story-telling or the tactical activation of the target group.
Many of our customers also choose Sanoma Creatives as their strategic partner, particularly when design and concept creation of contents is needed.
Creative Solutions

Consumer Insight & Creative Media Solutions
”We want a good campaign to be founded on insight and knowledge. A good idea alone is not enough”
Branded Content
”Our brand needs more awareness and appeal, but our budget is not very large”
Our branded content solutions associate your brand creatively and naturally with content produced by Sanoma that appeals to audiences.
Phenomena| Sponsorship campaigns | Promotions
Native Advertising
”We want to have a deeper impact on the audience and have quite a lot to say.”
You can produce your own content that interests the audience in Sanoma’s media while imitating their tone.
Mini programmes | Digital and print natives | Themed packages
”We want to engage the audience in dialogue and also activate them to produce content for our campaign”
The audience becomes committed to your brand as part of the sponsorship through engaging and interactive methods.
Questionnaires | Competitions | Promotions | Events
Influencer Marketing
”We need a good promoter for the brand on the channel and on social media. It would be great if fans and followers would encounter our brand in multiple contexts.”
Sanoma’s talents are used as promoters of your brand in various media as part of the sponsorship.
Talents | Personalities | Bloggers
Content Marketing
”We utilize good contents also in our own media”
Content marketing is commercial content designed and produced for your channels.
Content Strategies | Design | Production
Native Advertising

Native Advertising – How to Do It Smarter Than Others
Has your company already tried native advertising? The answer is increasingly more likely to be yes. This fairly new form of advertising has become established as one of the most effective forms of marketing, especially when you want to build brand awareness or preference.
At Sanoma, we define native marketing as commercial content with a form and tone that resembles the contents of the selected media as closely as possible. This may be print, online, television, radio or social media – although for now, native advertising is mainly produced for news and lifestyle media in print and online environments.
In production, we have witnessed the rush of advertiser customers towards native advertising. The thought of your brand messages slipping naturally amongst the contents of high-quality media environments is obviously exciting. In order for native advertising to generate the desired results, it should be done wisely. Native advertising is not always the best choice, but sometimes another form of marketing may work better. But when native advertising is successful, the outcome can, at best, even beat the media’s own content in terms of reach and appeal. Brand lift is guaranteed.
I put together a few tips that will take you a long way. Some may feel that this is basic knowledge, but my experience shows that internalizing these ideas is still a work in progress. This year, we at Sanoma Creatives have produced more than 300 native ad campaigns for news and lifestyle media – and we revise these same themes almost every time we design and analyse campaigns.
1. Use the language of the media like a native speaker
Reach out to readers with content that uses the same styles that the media in question also uses. This does not mean hidden advertising; the commercial nature of the content must be clearly marked. But the closer the tone, form and angle of the ad is to the content of the chosen media, the more likely the recipient is to grasp the message and perceive it as a natural part of the reading experience.
However, this is easier said than done. Customers occasionally ask us what a good native article or video should be like in e.g. Helsingin Sanomat or MeNaiset, if they are planning to produce the content themselves. Unfortunately, the instructions cannot be summarized in one or two slides. Becoming a professional in content production takes a long time and requires constant maintenance: monitoring the development of media independently, learning from editorial teams and executing native campaigns while observing their effects.
2. Always remember the first priority: the recipient’s needs and wishes
If you are investing in marketing, you most likely have an urgent need to make a specific message heard. This may stem from a desire to sell more products, recruit new employees or find new donators for your organisation. The key to all advertising, but native advertising in particular, is that the message is linked to an angle that is relevant to the recipient.
This, too, often requires all sorts of tricks. When your cause is – understandably – the most important thing in the world, you are almost inevitably blinded to the fact that the target group does not see it the same way. The situation calls for a good sparring partner who can represent the recipient’s side of the story and help to find a need or problem for which a solution can be offered. Or who guides the advertiser in finding a phenomenon that the message could be linked to. A product or company presentation is rarely an interesting news item, but it may reveal one when you know how to ask the right questions.
3. Do not expect tactical results – unless you enrich the campaign with tactical elements
Media have clear, functional ad spots where you can market products and services with good, tactical results. Data shows that a fair amount of people do click those banners, even though nobody admits to doing so. If you want to sell a large quantity of products quickly, use a good, honest special offer ad on social media, the television, the radio, a magazine or other channel.
If you want to build awareness, boost preference, surf on the reputation of a renowned media brand, treat the target group to a great content experience and, on top of all that, avoid ad blockers, native advertising is definitely well worth considering. It may not get a whole lot of people to rush to your sales outlets, but it may strongly transform your brand image. Or allow people to become aware of a problem that your company can resolve.
However, there is no reason why you have to choose only one of these two goals. A native campaign can easily be complemented with the tactical elements of your choice. One way is to target display advertising with a purely sales-based message to readers of native content.