Display Products Rates
Sanoma RON
Ad impressions are shown on desktop, tablet and mobile devices unless mentioned otherwise. Site, section and device level products are sold using targeting pricing model. Rich media fee is 0,95€ CPM net.
Valid VAT is added to the prices.
Targeting pricing
When using targeting options from multiple levels at the same time, the price of the highest used level applies.
Please find more detailed targeting options here.
Level 1
+5 % CPM
- Age
- Gender
- County
- Helsinki capital region
- Brand Safety
- Device
- Taloustutkimus segments
Level 2
+15 % CPM
- Interest and context
- Weather
- Life phase
- Education
- City
- Households
- Attitude towards direct mail
- Income classes
- Sanoma segments
- Custom audiences
- Website or section
Level 3
+30 % CPM
- B2B
- Purchase intent
- Retargeting
- Postal code areas
- Working industry
- Custom geo *
- Custom audience *
* Minimum campaign spend for custom geo and custom audiences is 3000 €/media campaign or 500 €/media campaign item
Rich media fee
0,95€ CPM net
Rich media fee is charged from the following rich media ad formats:
- Carousel
- Digital Full Page Insert Solution
- Midscroll
- Story
- Video Wallpaper
- Feed-based Giant Panorama
- Feed-based Digital Full Page
- Feed-based Digital Full Page with Carousel
- Feed-based Extra Wide Skyscraper
- Feed-based Product Ad
- Feed-based Instream (version 1)
- Feed-based Instream (version 2)
Digital edition full page ads
Valid VAT is added to the prices.