Native Advertising Guidelines
Native Advertising Guidelines for Newspapers
he publication instructions concern native advertising that has a similar layout to the editorial content of the paper. The purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate ad planning and to guarantee that the commercial content stands out from the editorial content. This benefits the paper, the reader and the advertiser.
The native advertising guidelines apply to all Sanoma's news medias.
A reader relationship founded on trust is a fundamental asset behind the success of Helsingin Sanomat, Aamulehti, Satakunnan Kansa and Ilta-Sanomat. Due to this, papers have decided to revise their guidelines concerning advertorials in order to avoid the risk of mistakes more efficiently than before.
The publication instructions concern native advertising with a layout that resembles the paper's editorial content and that contains body text similarly to the editorial content. The purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate ad planning and to guarantee that the commercial content stands out from the editorial content. This benefits the paper, the reader and the advertiser.
Fonts and Layout
- The fonts used in the ad must differ markedly from those used in the media where the ad is published.
- Sans-serif fonts must be used in papers e.g. Arial or Helvetica.
- The paragraph spacing or paragraph width in a native ad is not specified.
Native Advertising Guidelines for Magazines
The publication instructions concern native advertising that has a similar layout to the editorial content of the magazine and contains a body of text that is typical to editorial material. The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate ad planning and to guarantee that the commercial content stands out from the editorial content. The ad must also clearly identify whose product or service is being marketed. This benefits the magazine, the reader and the advertiser.
The native advertising guidelines apply to the following brands: Aku Ankka, ET, ET Terveys, Gloria, Glorian Koti, Glorian ruoka & viini, HS Meidän perhe, Hyvä Terveys, Kodin Kuvalehti, Matkaopas, Me Naiset, Sport, Suuri Käsityö, Tiede and Tiede Luonto.
Guidelines for inserts containing commercial content
These publication guidelines concern inserts containing commercial content which are published in Sanoma’s lifestyle magazines or newspapers as loose, unattached inserts or as part of the publication’s content spread among multiple pages. Content inserts refer to a whole that can be comprised of one or more ads that feature content, or in other words native advertising or advertorials. The general look and feel, and layout of the content is reminiscent of an editorial article in regards to the headline, possible lead paragraph, use of text and fonts. The content can for example highlight the uses and benefits of a product or service in an manner similar to and editorial article.
The purpose of these guidelines is facilitate easier ad planning and to guarantee that the commercial content stands out from the editorial content. This benefits the paper, the reader and the advertiser. The insert guidelines apply to all inserts distributed by means of any of Sanoma's news and lifestyle media, whether loose or attached to the actual paper or magazine.
Delivering Native Material Digi
Upload Link
When a campaign has been confirmed, an upload link will be sent for submitting the ad material. The upload link is campaign-specific and valid for display, cpc and video campaigns the entire duration of the campaign. For print campaigns the link is valid until Sanoma has handled the campaign and the status is sent.
The e-mail will be sent from and the subject of the message will be of the form: "Campaign ID – Campaign name- Ad material upload – start date of the earliest line item". Example ON-300703 - ADvendio Test Advertiser Oy AB - Ad material upload - 28-05-2021
The material link takes you to a website where you can deliver the ad material for your campaign. The link opens directly to the line item of the first publication day. If you are delivering material for a multimedia campaign, you will find separate line items for each media type. You will recognize the items by the material type in front of them (e.g., NATIVE).
Once you have selected the publication day of your choice by clicking on the line item you want to deliver your material to, follow the instructions below.