Delivering Materials for Print Ads
Ad materials are delivered using ad links.
Links are sent to the material deliverer's e-mail once the ad booking has arrived.
Instructions for Material Delivery
The material link takes you to the website where you can deliver the ad creative for your campaign. The link opens directly to the line item of the first publication day. You will recognize the items by the material type in front of them (e.g., PRINT).
Once you have selected the publication day of your choice by clicking on the line item you want to deliver your material to, follow the instructions below.
When a campaign has been confirmed, an upload link will be sent for submitting the ad material. The upload link is campaign-specific and valid for display, cpc and video campaigns the entire duration of the campaign. For print campaigns the link is valid until Sanoma has handled the campaign and the status is sent.
The e-mail will be sent from and the subject of the message will be of the form: "Subject in Finnish__Advertiser name__Campaign name__Start starting-date__Subject in English".
Aineistopyyntö__Grocery store Finland Oy __Summer Campaign__Start 15-02-2024__Ad material request
1. Adding files
- Drag the PDF file to the marked area or click to open the file menu.

- The added PDF file is shown as a new creative under the line item.
2. File validation
- After processing the creative, the Summary tab opens on the right.
- Check the validation report of your creative, i.e., the summary of the inspection (Preflight Report (Callas). If your creative did not pass the validation (Invalid creative shown in red):
- Delete the creative you added by clicking on the rubbish bin icon.
- Make the required changes to your creative.
- Upload the fixed PDF in the line and check to see if the file passes validation (Valid creative shown in green).

3. Approving and sending the ad
- You can send the creative using the Approve button.
- After approval, the status of the line item changes to Arrived.

4. Ad processing at Sanoma
- You can follow the progress of the campaign on the material page.
- The ad is ready when the campaign status is sent.
Exchanging an ad
If necessary, you can exchange your ad creative via the upload page. Upload a new PDF file under the campaign and delete the old PDF file. If Sanoma has already processed the campaign, you cannot exchange the ad directly on the upload page (status Sent). In this case, please contact Sanoma’s print traffic, tel. +358 40 151 1942.
Newspaper Inserts
Instructions for sending materials are available from the Inserts Team, tel. +358 (9) 122 3900
Magazine Inserts
Deliver the inserts on time, no later than two (2) weeks before the magazine's date of issue.
The insert mockup/dummy must be delivered to the Liitetiimi (3) weeks before the inserts are sent to the press for a technical/production check-up. If the insert mockup/dummy has not been delivered on time and the insert causes technical problems or problems in production, the customer is subject to pay for the expenses incurred or the insert may be left out of the magazine.
Delivery address of insert mockup/dummy:
Sanoma Media Finland Oy
Liitetiimi / Eeva Kaitosaari
P.O. Box 85
FI-00089 Sanoma, Finland
Materials for Line Ads can be delivered directly with the order.
Customer Service
+358 10 80 80 85,
Local network or mobile call fee will be charged.
Materials for Multichannel solutions
A multichannel campaign consists of a print and a digital line item. One material link is provided for the campaign and you can use the same link to deliver both ad creatives.
The material link takes you to the website where you can deliver the ad creative for your campaign. The link opens directly to the line item of the first publication day. If you are delivering material for a multimedia campaign, you will find separate line items for each media type. You will recognize the items by the material type in front of them (e.g., PRINT).
Applies to following newspapers and magazines, and ad sizes:
Helsingin Sanomat (Spread, full page, half page, other sizes), Aamulehti and Satakunnan Kansa Länsi-Suomi (spread, full page, half page), Ilta-Sanomat (full page), ET, HS Kuukausiliite, Hyvä Terveys, Kodin Kuvalehti and Me Naiset (spread, full page)
Once you have selected the publication day of your choice by clicking on the line item you want to deliver your material to, follow the instructions below.
1. Adding files
- Drag the PDF file to the marked area or click to open the file menu.

- The added PDF file is shown as a new creative under the line item.
2. File validation
- After processing the creative, the Summary tab opens on the right.
- Check the validation report of your creative, i.e., the summary of the inspection (Preflight Report (Callas). If your creative did not pass the validation (Invalid creative shown in red):
- Delete the creative you added by clicking on the rubbish bin icon.
- Make the required changes to your creative.
- Upload the fixed PDF in the line and check to see if the file passes validation (Valid creative shown in green).

3. Approving and sending the ad
- You can send the creative using the Approve button (Send).
- After approval, the status of the line item changes to Arrived.

4. Ad processing at Sanoma
- You can follow the progress of the campaign on the material page.
- The ad is ready when the campaign status is sent.
Exchanging an ad
If necessary, you can exchange your ad creative via the upload page. Upload a new PDF file under the campaign and delete the old PDF file. If Sanoma has already processed the campaign, you cannot exchange the ad directly on the upload page (status Sent). In this case, please contact Sanoma’s print traffic, tel. +358 40 151 1942.
Delivering digital material
Separate digital material must always be delivered for multichannel campaigns in Helsingin Sanomat. Instructions for delivering different types of digital material can be found at:
- Digital: Image file (JPG, GIF, PNG)
- Digital: Tag material
- Digital: HTML5 material
- Digital: I do not want to deliver a creative
- Activate the correct line item by clicking it and select the Summary tab
- Check the box I don't have a creative
- Click on Save.

If a separate digital creative is not delivered, the ad will only be displayed in the print paper. A digital campaign that is not run due to a missing creative will not be reimbursed.
Applies to following newspapers and magazines, and ad sizes:
Helsingin Sanomat (Spread, full page, half page, other sizes), Aamulehti and Satakunnan Kansa Länsi-Suomi (spread, full page, half page), Ilta-Sanomat (full page), ET, HS Kuukausiliite, Hyvä Terveys, Kodin Kuvalehti and Me Naiset (spread, full page)
Separate digital material must always be delivered for multichannel campaigns in Helsingin Sanomat.
Also delivering separate digital material for multichannel campaigns in Aamulehti, Satakunnan Kansa Länsi-Suomi, and magazines is highly recommended.
Instructions for delivering different types of digital material can be found at:
If a separate digital creative is not delivered or converted, the ad will only be displayed in the print paper. A digital campaign that is not run due to a missing creative will not be reimbursed.
If you do not want to deliver a creative, follow these steps:
- Activate the correct line item by clicking it and select the Summary tab
- Check the box I don't have a creative
- Click on Save.

Applies to following newspapers and magazines, and ad sizes:
Aamulehti and Satakunnan Kansa Länsi-Suomi (full page, half page. Hox. NOT spread/vertical half-page), ET, HS Kuukausiliite, Hyvä Terveys, Kodin Kuvalehti and Me Naiset (spread, full page)
Print material can also be used in digital campaign. In this case, a PDF file (print material) is uploaded to the digital campaign and converted automatically into JPG format. In other words, the same PDF material is added to both the print and digital campaigns.
Please note that the spread and the vertical half cannot be converted, but separate digital material must be provided.
1. Adding files
- Drag the PDF file to the marked area or click to open the file menu.

- The added PDF file will be automatically converted into JPG format and displayed as a new creative under the campaign.
2. Adding a link and tracking
- After uploading the creative, the Summary tab opens on the right
- The Summary tab contains a URL field where you can paste the link that is the target URL of your campaign. If the banner has no link, select no URL.
- If you wish, you can add an impression pixel in the Impression tracker field.
- Click on Submit.

3. Run instructions and more information
- You can write instructions for material distribution in the Description field of the line item. For example, if you want a certain banner to be run on certain days.
4. File validation
- You can find the material information in the Validation tab on the right.
- Check the validation report of your creative, i.e., the summary of the inspection. If your creative did not pass validation (red colour):
- Delete the creative you added by clicking on the rubbish bin icon.
- Make the required corrections to your creative, check for example the weight limit or the dimensions of the material.
- Upload the corrected file in the line item and check to make sure it passes the validation.
- Click on Submit

5. Approving and sending the creative
- The green Approve button appears when the campaign is ready to be sent (the file and the link have been added and validation has been passed).
- Send the line item by clicking on the Approve button to send the creative to Sanoma.
- After approval, the line item will move forward on the upload page under the Arrived status.

6. Campaign processing at Sanoma
- You can follow the progress of the campaign on the material page.
- The campaign is ready when its status is Completed.

Exchanging the creative
If necessary, you can exchange the campaign material via the upload page. Delete the old file under the campaign and upload a new file.