See demos >
Select consists of an opening video and two or more alternative videos. The opening video must have activations for viewing options and they can be placed on top of the opening video as buttons. The button is either an image file or a transparent clickable area. The user can click on the desired activation and start watching an alternative video. The user can close the alternative video as soon as it starts. However, we cannot guarantee complete viewing. If the user does not select any option, the opening video will be shown until the end. The opening video and longer video files can be made clickable.
Extend consists of an opening video, a longer video file and activation. The button can be an image file or a transparent clickable area prompting the user to watch a longer video. When the user clicks, a video longer than the activation starts. The user can close the video as soon as it starts. However, we cannot guarantee complete viewing. The opening video and a longer video file can be made clickable.
Elements that should be delivered to the Extended format:
- Opening video
- A longer video file (will be shown after the opening video if user clicks the activation)
- An activation-button (the text is optional, but mandatory. Could be for example: “Watch the full video”
- URL & possible other trackings
A button consists of a video file and one or more activations. The button is either an image file or a transparent clickable area. The rest of the video surface can be made clickable.
Mainos koostuu taustavideosta, joka sisältää äänen ja logon sekä halutessa aloitustekstin. Mainokseen rakennetaan mainostajan toivoma määrä kysymyskierroksia, joihin toimitetaan kysymykset ja vastaukset kuvina. Vastauksista tarvitaan kuvat kaikista vastausvaihtoehdoista, sekä oikeista vastauksista esim. mouseover kuvat. Mainokseen voidaan liittää myös ajanotto, esim. kelloikoni, sekä loppukuva, johon mainos päättyy. Mainostajan tulee toimittaa URL osoite, johon mainoksesta halutaan ohjata.
Required materials:
1. Video file(s)
- File formats: MP4
- Video size: 1920 x 1080 pixels
- 25 frames per second
- Stereo audio 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz
- Sound levels: according to EBU R128 standard -23 LUFS
- Video bitrate: 8,000 – 16,000 kbps
- Audio bitrate: 384 kbps
2. Image files
- Buttons, logos or product images are used as activations in interactive videos
- Recommended file formats:
PNG with transparent background
JPG and GIF (also animated)
- You should create an on-mouse-over image for the buttons, which appears when the visitor moves the mouse over the button. It should be the same size in pixels as the button itself.
- The size of all image files should be designed to fit the 1920 x 1080 video resolution.
- Don't forget to optimize the file size! The lighter the file, the faster it loads.
3. URLs & Tracking
- Along with the material, you must send a script or a visual image that explains where the possible activations (buttons/images/logos) are located and where the activations are directed.
Delivery of materials
- Delivery of materials 5 business days before the start of the campaign
- The material is delivered via the material delivery link
Dynamic video ads are implemented using the VPAID 2.0 standard.
When planning the ad, it must be taken into account that activations are not placed below the controls (46 pixels from the bottom).
The activation button is mandatory. It's a good idea to give the viewer a few different options for activation in connection with the ad. The other surface area of the advertisement, such as the advertising spot, should also be made clickable.