Print Material Instructions
Information concerning Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat magazine products can be found in the Magazines section.
Newspaper Inserts
Customer inserts distributed between Sanoma Media Finland's newspapers may be pre-made elsewhere or printed in Sanoma's own printing presses.
An insert type not printed in Sanomapaino must be pre-approved by the magazine's Product Manager / Sanomapaino. Advertorial inserts must display the word MAINOSLIITE ("ad insert") on each page.
The material deadlines can be found in the media cards.
Please note that the deadline for submitting materials for all magazines is 12 noon on the material deadline date.
Material Specifications and Instructions for Channels with a Magazine Layout:
Aku Ankka, ET-lehti, ET Terveys, Gloria, Glorian Koti, Glorian ruoka & viini, Hyvä Terveys, Kodin Kuvalehti, Matka, HS Meidän Perhe, Me Naiset, Prinsessa, Rakennuslehti, Sport, Suuri Käsityö, Tiede and Tiede Luonto
HS Kuukausiliite Monthly Supplement, HS Teema (Theme) Magazine, IS Themed Magazines, IS TV Guide, Urheilusanomat
Information concerning newspaper products can be found in the Newspapers section.
See the material instructions for Rakennuslehti here.
Magazine Inserts
Material services and production prices
Material Services takes you through the ad creation process from brainstorming to production. The service covers the entire cycle of advertising: designing various materials and inserts, preparation, repro work and editing pre-made material for the paper. The range of services also includes content layout design. In addition to print communication, you may also book solutions for digital advertising.
Tips for Creating an Ad
Print Material Delivery
Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite Monthly Supplement, Nyt Weekly Supplement, HS Teema (Theme) Magazine, Ilta-Sanomat and Urheilulehti
Ad materials are delivered using ad links.
Links are sent to the material deliverer's e-mail once the ad booking for the newspaper or magazine has arrived.
The material for an ad that requires preparation is delivered via a material link. The provider of this material will receive an e-mail with the ad information and a link for uploading the material. See the instructions for material delivery.
The ad bookings for Kuukausiliite Monthly Supplement and IS Themed Magazines are an exception, as their material link is sent no later than 3 weeks before the publication date.
Media-customer Service (technical support):
N.B. No materials to this address.